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Naturalist Workshop Series

  • Hidden Valley Nature Center 131 Egypt Road Jefferson, ME, 04348 United States (map)

Yay! It’s Vernal Pool season!

Of all the interesting ways to observe the advance of spring, vernal pools are one of the most fascinating. A vernal pool is a temporary woodland pond or small body of water, often overlooked, which plays a central role in the life cycle of many amphibians and turtles and the organisms that rely on them. They have important implications and impacts on local wildlife, outdoor recreation, and forestry operations. We invite anyone to come and learn why vernal pools are so important to protecting Maine’s woodlands.

Participants will learn about the species of frog, turtle, and salamander that rely on vernal pools; learn to identify and count egg masses; and learn about the complex dynamics that make vernal pools so fascinating.

This is an all-ages event—children are welcome with adult supervision. During the event, we will walk approximately 1.5 miles on forest trails, pausing to visit a number of vernal pools.

May 1

Timber Frame Workshop

May 12

Full Moon Paddle